четверг, 30 января 2020 г.


Is this some kind of repack or homebrew software? Updated Resource Submission Rules: And in contrary for the normal BNet ladder of course you need the newest Warcraft 3 patch! You have reached the download limit for free-users. Run in admin mode when you are using Vista. Mar 21, Messages: OR get a premium acc on rapidshare - that isn't free anymore, but you can do it without the acc with some patience. warcraft 3 version switcher 1.21

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The poll for Hive's 12th Concept Art Contest is up! When I want to switch back to 1.

warcraft 3 version switcher 1.21

Travel to distant realms and encounter scenes unknown to the common folk. I extracted the wvs to my dekstop Plsss give another link to TFT 1.

warcraft 3 version switcher 1.21

Then i clcicked switch version,But i dont see any. Can modern Windows distributions run these legacy versions?

Warcraft 3 Version Switcher ++ Official Download ++

How can I downgrade back to 1. This comment form is under antispam protection.

Log in or Sign up. Or it takes time to switch it to 1. Some of the executables display error messages. Hey, does it change 1.

warcraft 3 version switcher 1.21

You must log in or sign up to reply here. Vote for the best icon set at the Icon Contest 18 Poll! I've been exploring the catacombs of an old HDD and I've just found what happens to be one of the first Warcraft 3 digitally distributed installers, switchet what better time to share it than now? Aug 9, Messages: I have version switcher.

Warcraft 3 Version Switcher

Hello,there is an error Come and see what you can come up with. Some Wc3 platforms like W3Arena or Gameranger require an older more stable patch than the newest. Now i've tries using the new map ver 6. Please upload your file at 4shared. My pc just turnes off without any reason while i wana patch 1. Yes, and that's probably the biggest advantage over the latest installer, which forces gersion user to rely on Battle. I can downgrade fine for eurobattle, but not for original game.

Warcraft 3 Legacy Installer (1.21b - 1.27a)

Go cast your vote for your favourite genie! Updated Resource Submission Rules: Page archived for preservation: Please help i cant join 6.

Tips 4 every one Can I still play Reign of Chaos with the new 1.21 OR get a premium acc on rapidshare - that isn't free anymore, but wwrcraft can do it without the acc with some patience.

My AI map is in the folderbut I can't found them when I create game.

Warcraft 3 Legacy Installer (b - a) | HIVE

What do I'm supposed to do? Colour outside the lines!

Is this some kind of repack or homebrew software?

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