среда, 12 февраля 2020 г.


Submit it here to become an TecMint author. If your network is a private internet according to RFC this is remarked. Twitter Facebook Google Plus Subscribe to our email updates: When displaying subnets the new bits in the network part of the netmask are marked in a different color. Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. ipcalc

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Submit it here to become an TecMint author. Enter the address and netmask of your original network and play with the second netmask until the result matches your needs. If you have ipca,c questions or advice, make sure to submit them in the comment section below. Your name can also be listed here.


Learn how your comment data is processed. Drop me a mail We are thankful for your never ending support.

If you omit the netmask ipcalc uses the default netmask for the class of your network. How to Install Nagios 4.

Debian -- Package Search Results -- ipcalc

Got something to say? By giving a second netmask, you can design subnets and supernets.

I agree, a good tutorial, but there is one sad nuance: To install ipcalcsimply run one of the commands below, based on the Linux distribution you are using.

The wildcard is the inverse netmask as used for access control lists in Cisco routers.

You can find the official ipcalc website at http: You can also use it as icpalc teaching tool to present subnetting results in an easy to understand binary values. You can see two simple facts: When displaying subnets the new bits in the network part of the netmask are marked in a different color. If your network is a private internet according to RFC this is remarked.


You didn't mention the best one out there - NextCloud, is Look at the space between the bits of the addresses: In my free time I like testing new software and inline skating.

IP Calculator ipcalc takes an IP address and netmask and calculates the resulting broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host range. Conclusion This was a simple tutorial, showing how to use ipcalc tool with some basic examples.

IP Calculator

When displaying subnets the new bits in the network part of the netmask are marked in a ipcalcc color The wildcard is the inverse netmask as used for access control lists in Cisco routers. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. It is also intended to be a i;calc tool and presents the subnetting results as easy-to-understand binary values. Get information about the network address: Twitter Facebook Google Plus Subscribe to our email updates: Support us by taking our online Linux courses We are thankful for your never ending support.

How to Calculate IP Subnet Address with ipcalc Tool

Validate IP address Show calculated broadcast address Display hostname determined via DNS Display network address or prefix How to install ipcalc in Linux To install ipcalcsimply run one of the commands below, based on the Linux distribution you are using.

You can also subscribe without commenting. Some of the uses of ipcalc are: When managing a network, you will undoubtedly need to deal with subnetting. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This was a simple tutorial, showing how to use ipcalc tool with some basic examples.


However, others may need some help and this is where the ipcalc tool comes in handy.

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